Cast Registration

First Name *
Last Name *
Parent 1 Full Name *
Parent 2 Full Name *
Cast Member Resides in*
1 Household
2 Households
Full Address (incl. City, State, ZIP) *
Birth Month *
Birth Date *
School *
Phone *
    Email *
    Alternate Phone *
      Alternate Email *
      Cast Member Bio *Each cast member will have a short biography under their program picture. Please submit a bio using the following format. (Please see example.) Name, (Character name) Grade, School, year in PPJT, likes: list two or three, goal: list one Example: "Sue (Millie) 7th SVMS, 3rd yr PPJT, likes horseback riding, swimming, goal: teacher"
      0 (Max. 450 Characters)
      Medical Release *

      I give consent to C. Hook Theater to provide all emergency medical or dental care prescribed by a licensed physician (M.D.) or dentist (D.D.S.)

      Physician Name *
      Physician Phone *
        Insurance Carrier *
        Insurance Policy # *
        Photo Release – I give C. Hook Theater Permission to Use:*
        My cast member’s photograph and name (First name, last initial)
        My cast member’s photograph without his/her name
        I do not wish my cast member’s photograph used on the Internet

        Actors/Parents Contract

        • Each cast member is issued one script that is theirs to keep - Replacement scripts can be purchased for $10.00.
        • Producing shows at C. Hook Theater requires a lot of support and energy from everyone. Parents are expected to participate by volunteering on two committees.
        • All fees must be paid on time.
        • Cast members must be picked up on time after each rehearsal and performance. Please plan on arriving five minutes early.
        • Rehearsals are closed - directors and production team members only in rehearsal area.

        • Please communicate well in advance with the production manager if a rehearsal must be missed.

        • The production manager, Juliet Howard, can be contacted via email at

        • All communication should be directed to the production team, not Dr. Arapostathis.

        Accept Terms *

        My cast member has my permission to participate in C. Hook Junior Theater. My family has read and discussed the above Actors/Parents Contract and understands that this theatrical experience is a family effort and involves a time and energy commitment from all family members.